Solar Brown Rice

The detailed instructions that came with the All Seasons Solar Cooker emphasized that just like any new endeavor, cooking is an acquired skill. Learning solar cooking is no exception, so my first effort was a simple pot of brown rice.

The advice I got from several sources was to use less water so I used one cup of rice to 1 1/2 cups of water. The normal ratio is double the amount of water to rice. When I set up the cooker as directed, the temperature started rising immediately. It reached 150F in 10 minutes and over 200 in 20 minutes. From that point I let it cook for an hour and a half total time.

As you can see I'm using the ASSC in the low-sun position with the lip hanging over the edge of the table. I started it at 8:30am and adjusted the cooker as the sun rose.

I felt that the rice came out a little dry, so before storing in the refrigerator I added water and let it absorb for awhile. It tastes great, just like cooking on the stove


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