All-Season Solar Cooker

I was in the Texas Icepocalypse (2021 Texas power crisis) and was without power for 5 days and water for 7. Our community water pumping station ran on, you guessed it, electricity. Recorded temps were below those in Alaska for that same week. I've gotten a little paranoid as winter approaches. I'd love to have ways to stay warm, treat water and cook.
I ordered an All Seasons Solar Cooker because the design is the most intelligent I found. You can use the cooker all day as long as the sun is up. It's also very reasonably priced considering the design and durability. I'll be experimenting with it on a weekly basis to get used to it before I need it.
The website is full of good information and a mission statement. I feel good supporting them because they help others. The owner/designer has included free downloadable plans to make your own.

The designer has made an excellent demo video that shows the combinations of cookware that ensure good results. 


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